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Mit leuchtenden Farben, kräftigen Linien und einem ausgezeichneten Sinn für Humor macht die französische Illustratorin Cécile Dormeau auf ein besonderes Thema aufmerksam: Body Positivity. Ihre Zeichnungen zeigen Frauen in "ungeschönter" Manier und brechen mit gängigen Schönheitsstandards. Ihre Botschaft ist ganz klar: mehr Selbstakzeptanz.
Cécile Dormeau ist für die ADC Design Experience am 13. November in Stuttgart als Speakerin bestätigt. Wir wollten schon vorab von Cécile wissen, wie sie auf das Thema kam, welche Erfahrungen sie mit ihren Illustrationen diskutieren möchte und woher sie sich ihre Inspiration holt. Die Antworten gibt’s hier im Interview.
You started your first job as a junior art director in a big advertising agency in Frankfurt. How was your journey into illustration?
My temporary contract there ended and was not extended. I was unemployed, trying to find a new job in graphic design or advertising but without success. So I decided to realize the project that I had in mind since a long time : drawing girls as they are. I shared it on the internet and send it to different blogs. That’s how I started my career as an illustrator!
What brought you to illustrate women in their different body shapes? Which impact do you hope having on the viewer with your drawings?
I realized that overweight women still remain under-represented, compared to women with ‚perfect‘ bodies. And in case they were, it was to make fun of them. So I decided to change that. In my drawings, I started to focus on all kind of body shapes and then extended my focus on all kind of women complexes and issues.
I hope to help people question themselves about beauty standards and body representation. And if people can identify themselves, laugh at my drawings and with them, and move forward toward self-acceptance – that’s even better!
Who inspired you in your career? Do you have any idols?
I used to read a lot of comics when I was a teenager, such as Joann Sfar, Marjane Satrapi, Riad Sattouf, Claire Bretecher…As a kid, I also loved Jean-Jacques Sempé and Tomi Ungerer.
When do the best ideas come into your mind?
My inspiration can come from my feelings, talks I have with friends, my sister making a funny dance, people I happened to see on the street, or from something I’ve read. Whenever I live an awkward situation I’m like « ok I’ll do a drawing about it ».
Whenever I live an awkward situation I’m like « ok I’ll do a drawing about it »
„INSTA vs. INDUSTRY“ is the motto of this year’s ADC Design Experience in Stuttgart. How do you think about the future of design? Will design trends rather be shaped by social media platforms, such as Instagram? Or by leading industries?
I think industries don’t take risks! Their work is basically a reflect of what’s going on in society. That’s why social media inspires them and gives them the trends to follow for their work.
What impact does social media have on your art & career as an artist?
Social media is a great way to share your work, and discover everyday new sources of inspirations. I also love using Instagram to show taboos, things which are not often brought out in the day light or which are ashamed to share – as Instagram is a platform, where people only show their best self.
You are giving a keynote at the ADC Design Experience 2019. Would you give us a short teaser on your talk?
My keynote will be about the question, how and why we should represent people as they are. And why we should speak more about negative emotions.
Der Art Directors Club für Deutschland (ADC) präsentiert die 405...
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